Friday, April 20, 2012

Something Lost

      I never realize that I have lost something in my life after I had been a college.  Something that always accompanied me when I was in Senior High School. Something that made me raise, but sometimes made me down.. What is it ?? It is Japanese....

      Umm,, Since I met Japanese for the first time in ten grade, I found different sense in it. This subject was really different from others. At that time, this subject was introduced by some people who were teaching for part-time job in my school. They were young enough and very good in teaching. Unfortunately, they taught in my school just for some months and Japanese language teacher had to be changed to a different person.  I hoped so much that my new japanese teacher would be a better person, so that I could learn and mastered it.

      'Mr. Sensei', that was a word that my friends and I used to call my new japanese teacher.
Actually, I couldn't enjoy and understand easily when he was explaining the lessons.  I also found something wrong with this person.  But all of them were just my thought for several months I have been taught by him. In the end of the first semester in ten grade, I don't know why, I could understand what he explained better. Beside that, I also learnt japanese from other sources. Start from that time, I realized that I liked japanese very much...

And because japanese was explained just in language class for eleventh and twelveefth, so I decided to choose language class for my eleven and twelve grade. In language class, I tried to master my japanese language skill much. I tried to fill my brain with various materials about japanese, such as its vocabulary and grammar. I also followed some japanese competitions that were held by various organizations, such as universities and japanese consulate itself. And the greatest achievement that I have made about japanese is that I could pass the japanese proficiency test in 2010.

It made me think that It would be good if I continued my study to japanese department. But, after I considered it for a long time, I thought that it was not good decision. It would be much better if I chose english department for my next study. Now I am studying in English Department, but hopefully japanese will not disappear from my mind..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Curiousness about Paragraph Writing's Result,, :D

Today I was asked by my paragraph writing lecturer to make a reflection about her class. In my reflection I just wrote what's in my mind. I didn't think it too hard since I thought my writing would not get A.
umm, it just my thought coz I have counted all of my daily writing works, the result was less than 85 but it's not so far from this number. I also combined it with my mid term that just get 85. I don't hope too much my writing would get A, but I will probably get 'A' if I get good score in my final test and my progress score also.
There are four kinds of assesments in my paragraph writing class. First is works that are always done every meeting which have 20% grade. Second is Mid term that has 30% grade. Third is portfolio and student's progress which have 20% grade. And the last is Final test which has 30% grade. I have done the first, second and third. And I have known the first and second result. For the third and fourth, I just hope my god will give his blessing, so that I can get better. :p
There are two probabilities in my mind about this course, I will get A' or A-

hahaha,, Its just my 'chitchat', guys,,,
I don't want to count my chickens too much before they hatch,,  :))

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Here I am.
I am a person who has much hope to be successful, successful for everything I want. 

Now I am lonely, far away from people who have taken care for me for a long time. 
They want me go ahead and chase my dreams. Many dreams, so many dreams. 
They believe those dreams will come true. And so do I.
Whatever the way that I will pass.
People pass their way different to each other. 
The one that I believe so much is my god decision. He decide everyone's destiny.
I often feel lonely, and no one can hear my matters. So just to him I tell everything.
And I get better soon.

I realized that not just hope that I need to make my dreams come true. I also need effort. 
I try to do everything as good as possible. Whether it is well done or not, the important thing is I have tried to do it well.
Not rare I down the drain, but I don't want it occurs continuously. From that I learn. What must I do to make it better. 

Much hope and also much effort, If they are combined while we are doing something, it can produce something great...

#just doing everything well#